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Function: CronReplace()

CronReplace(template, cron, app, replacements): any

Replaces placeholders in a given template string with values from a CronDefinition object and other replacements.

Cron Arguments are rendered in 3 different ways:

  • argsLine: The arguments are rendered as a single string, with each argument wrapped in double quotes and separated by a space.
  • argsLineSingleQuote: The arguments are rendered as a single string, with each argument wrapped in single quotes and separated by a space.
  • argsArray: The arguments are rendered as a single string, with each argument wrapped in double quotes and separated by a comma.


template: any

The template string to replace placeholders in.

cron: CronDefinition

The CronDefinition object containing values to replace placeholders with.

app: Application

The Application object.

replacements: any= {}

Optional additional replacements to use in the template string.



The template string with all placeholders replaced with their corresponding values.

