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  • Ancestor:

An Ancestor is a Model that is part of the class hierarchy of another model

class ClassA extends CoreModel {}
class ClassB extends ClassA {}
class ClassC extends ClassA {}

In this example ClassA is an ancestor of ClassB and ClassC, and CoreModel is a common ancestor to all. ClassB is NOT an ancestor of ClassC

  • Parent

A parent is defined in the class relationship. It is not linked to any of the class hierarchy.

  • Store

This is the service that is in-charge of persisting the models somewhere (NoSQL, File, Memory)

Define your model we can:

  • create models diagram with entity relationship
  • define how it is stored
  • define the schema or schemas
  • define graphql access

Model have UUID accross the whole framework


Model define:

  • attributes
  • methods
  • links

CoreModel will always have a Store, default is the Registry.

The relationships between models can be:

  • ModelParent: Define the parent of current model
  • ModelLink: Define a 1:1 or 1:n link from current model
  • ModelArrayLinks: Define a n:1 or n:m link from current model (the ids are defined within an array)
  • ModelMapLinks: Define a n:1 or n:m link from current model (the ids are the map key, and value is usually a subset of target object with or without additional properties)
  • ModelLinked: Define a subcollection accessible via query
  • ModelMapped: Define a collection that is synchronized by ModelMapper

These relations will be compiled with additional behavior. Getter/setter will be added for you at compile time, the source code would also be updated by the build.

  • We understand modifying source at build might sound weird, but we need to define the setter for you, to give the best experience, you can disable this behavior by adding a noEmitModelRelationSetter: true

The graph of model is deduced from your models:

"models": {

"modelsGraph": {
"modelA": {
"extends": [],
"parent": {
"attribute": "",
"model": ""
"links": [
"type": "link",
"attribute": "category",
"model": "modelC"
}, {
"type": "arraylinks",
"attribute": "category",
"model": "modelC"
}, {
"type": "maplinks",
"attribute": "category",
"model": "modelC"
"maps": [],
"queries": [
"attribute": "comments",
"model": "modelC"

You can now access directly from your model class:

CoreModel.ref().get() -> CoreModel.query() -> CoreModel.ref().patch() CoreModel.ref().delete()

A StoreResolver should match from a class the Store

Store(strict): Only handle its model Store(no-strict): Handle any declared models and their child classes Store(wildcard): Catch all the model that are not managed by any store