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The models define your business objects. They are stored and exposed through API by Stores.

They are close to a POJO but when attached to a Store, they are not truely POJO, similar to Hibernate.

Their schema is build with the webda build command.

The toJSON method filters the attached store and context.


Every attribute starting with a _ is not modifiable by the HTTP APIs. If an attribte starts with a double underscore __, the attribute will be strip from any HTTP output, this is useful to store passwords or others server-only attributes.

Another type of readonly attributes is the defined maps.


By default if exposed via a Store the endpoint to manipulate models are following REST API

GET /models/{uuid}       - Retrieve a model
POST /models - Create a new model
DELETE /models/{uuid} - Delete a model
PUT /models/{uuid} - Update a model
PATCH /models/{uuid} - Patch a model

You can define your action by returning a map of ModelAction with the @Action annotation in front of your method, you control the access to the action by adding the right control within the canAct method, by default the action is denied. Action are using the method PUT by default.

class MyModel extends CoreModel {

export(context: Context) {
ctx.write("My export");

canAct(ctx: Context, action: string) {
if (action === "export") {
return this;
return super.canAct(ctx,action);

Model schemas

The schema is generated with ts-json-schema-generator

All servers properties: starting with a _ will be ignored in the schema generation

JSDocs Annotation

@nullable: allow the attribute to be null
@asType: to override the default type
@example: to show an value example
@minimum: define the minimum value (>=)
@exclusiveMinimum: define the minimum value (>)
@maximum: define the maximum value (<=)
@exclusiveMaximum: define the maximum value (<)

Additional needed:

@SchemaAdditionalProperties: add a additionalProperties section (useful to avoid wildcarding the server types)
@SchemaIgnore: ignore this property from the schema generation (readOnly is probably a better solution)


A CoreModel represent one type of object within your application, it can be linked to other type of object.

1-n: lazy collection   ModelLink <-> ModelLinked
n-m: is not currently handled as several NoSQL databases won't be able to query
denormalized(1-n): denormalized collection ModelLink <-> ModelMap
denormalized(n-m): denormalized collection ModelNLink <-> ModelMap
ModelMapped: 1:1 mapper
ModelsMapped: 1:n mapper

ModelLinksSimpleArray: n:m relation, can be source of a Mapper, it is an array of uuid of the targeted model
ModelLinksArray: n:m relation, can be source of a Mapper, it is an array of object containing the uuid of the targeted model and some additional data
ModelLinksMap: n:m relation, can be source of a Mapper, it is a map of uuid of the targeted model to some attributes.

ModelLink: 1:n relation, can be source of a Mapper too, this is normally a Foreign Key within a Relational DataBase
ModelParent: used to defined a hierarchy between model, it is a 'special' `ModelLink`

ModelRelated<T>: In a SQL server, it would be querying on the Foreign Key of the table managing the model T

Denormalized are managed through a Mapper service that keeps in sync the mapper.


A mapper is a PartialModel<CoreModel> that represent a target object.

Relations are resolved at compile time.

Domain service

The domain service is the service that based on the resolved relationship can automate the creation of the different stores and mapper.

It can also expose the GraphQL API