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Since version 1.0, we try to provide jscodeshift module to migrate from one version to another.

This package provides helper to migrate from one version to another


yarn add --dev @webda/codemod
# If typescript
npx jscodeshift --parser ts -t node_modules/@webda/codemod/${script}.js src/**/*.ts
# Or
find . -name \*.ts | grep -v node_modules | grep -v \.d\.ts | xargs jscodeshift --parser ts -t node_modules/@webda/codemod/${script}.js


This script will move all imports webda or webda-* to @webda/core or @webda/*

It will also update any reference of Executor from webda to Service from @webda/core

It upgrade methods checkCSRF to checkRequest

Rename all _params to parameters


MemoryQueue return now a stringified version of the message, you have to parse it

Recast issue

If you see parenthesis with destructed assignement