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Webda is a domain driven framework.

It means you should mainly focus on creating your business models.

Then Services exists to implement generic features:

  • Store your models: Store, DynamoDB, MongoDB, Postgresql, Firebase, Memory, File
  • Store your binaries: BinaryService, FileBinary, S3Binary, GCPStorage
  • Expose your models: DomainService, GraphQLService
  • Authenticatate: AuthenticationService, OAuthService
  • Secure: Hawk, built-in sanitizer

You usually have needs for a few additional services that are unrelated to business models like integration with third parties. To tackle this, create your Service or Bean. A Service is designed to be reusable, where a Bean is a singeleton in your application and not designed to be reused elsewhere.

Althought there are other mechanisms we recommend using the annotations within the app to declare: @Bean, @Route, @Operation, @Action

Webda relies on Services (or Beans), they can expose some Routes and the Application can deployed using different types of Deployment

The configuration system relies on JSON files: webda.config.json, it can be seen as the applicationContext.xml of Spring framework.

The framework also simplifies the deployment with builtin support for AWS Lambda, Containers, local debug.

Under the hood

Webda on compilation will produce a webda.module.json file, it analyzes your code to get the relationship between your models, the hierarchy of models, the structure of the models (JSON Schemas)

The framework at runtime read this reflective data to expose smartly its logic.



The service will be injected with parameters based on this expression

{, ...deployment.parameters, ...service.parameters, ...deployment.service.parameters}

It allows you to share parameters with all services by defining them in the parameters section of webda.config.json A deployment can then decide to override this parameters allowing you to override for example the website parameter to your specific deployment value.


After all webda is there to create API, a Service can manage a route by using the @Route annotation or use the ._addRoute method.

If the Service is not designed to be extend of reused the @Route annotation is the simplest way


@Route("/myroute", ["GET"])
myHandler(ctx: Context) {
// Do something

If you plan to reuse your component, it might be a good idea to make its routes configurable to avoid any conflicts.

class MyServiceParameter extends ServiceParameter {
constructor(params) {
// Define your default params here

class MyService<T extends MyServiceParameter> extends Service<T> {
resolve() {

loadParameters(params: any) {
return new MyServiceParameter(params);

Retrieve parameters

Within a service, you retrieve its parameter by calling the this.parameter property.


So you have a Application that works and is ready to deploy, the Deployment is a unit of Deployers that will lift your Application and deploy it to Kubernetes, Docker, Lambda.

A Deployer will create the Docker image and push it, or create the .zip to send to Lambda


This is your whole application including the package.json and the webda.config.json, so it is a group of Services and Modules defining your global application.


You can create a module to share some behavior between different application by defining a webda.module.json

Webda on startup scan the node_modules for webda.module.json, it build its map of available ServicesType according to theses modules.

Shell module

You add your custom command to the webda shell command by adding a